How to Prevent Myopia

2022-03-18 07:05:27

Are you having a hard time seeing objects from a distance, but reading a book up close is no problem for you? If you do, chances as you are nearsighted or myopic.

What causes myopia is the structure of your eye. When the cornea of your eye is too curved, or the eyeball is too long, the light that enters your eye won’t focus in a correct manner. Instead of focusing directly on the retina, images focus in front of the retina, which is the part of your eye that is light sensitive, and this is what results in blurred vision.

Some symptoms you might experience if you have myopia, besides seeing distant objects blurred, are the following:

  • Eye fatigue when you’re trying to see objects that are a few feet away from you
  • Eyestrain
  • Squinting
  • Headaches
  • Children that have myopia typically have problems reading the blackboard at school

How To Prevent Myopia from Worsening

To determine whether you have vision problems, you need to be examined. Your doctor can use several instruments and ask you to look through various lenses to test your vision. The goal of treating airtightness is to improve your vision through the use of refractive surgery or corrective lenses.

Clinical practitioners and researchers are constantly looking for effective approaches to stop nearsightedness from worsening. Things that have proven effective are the following:

  • Increased time outside – During early adult years and adolescence, spending time outside can help decrease the risk of nearsightedness. Researchers think that exposure to the ultraviolet rays, or UV rays of the sun, can change the molecular structure of the cornea and sclera and help maintain and normal shape.
  • Atropine – Atropine is a topical medication that is commonly used to dilate the pupil of the eye, often before and after eye surgery or as part of eye exams. Eyedrops with atropine in different doses can also help slow the progress of myopia. However, this effect’s mechanism is unknown.
  • Dual focus contact lenses – The progress of myopia in children between 8 and 12 years old has been slowed down by a new type of dual-focus contact lens, as studies show.
  • Orthokeratology – During this procedure, you wear gas-permeable and rigid contact lenses for a few hours a day until you even out the curvature of your eye. To maintain the new shape, you wear these lenses less often. However, your eyes will return to their former shape if you discontinue this treatment. Studies show that this lens slows down the elongation of the eyeball that is nearsighted and decreases myopia.
  • Eye exercises – Myopic conditions are affected by eye exercises, which is why ophthalmologists always recommend eye exercises along with prescription glasses and medication.
  • Taking Breaks – Working on a computer, watching TV, and continuously reading for long hours requires our eyes to focus on short distances, which helps worsen myopia. In order to reduce the appearance or severity of myopia, you need to take regular breaks for working on a computer, watching tv, and reading for many hours.
  • Vitamin D – Low vitamin D levels are often associated with myopia, especially in young adults. Getting the vitamin D in your body to its natural levels can help with myopia. You need to consume vitamin D daily by eating foods rich with this vitamin, such as orange juice, egg yolks, cheese, beef, salmon, tuna, and fatty fish. After consulting your doctor, you can also take additional supplements for vitamin D.
  • Omega-3 – Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the best remedies for myopia since they repair the damaged cell membranes in your eyes. You need to take omega-3 on a daily basis by consuming foods that are rich with this vitamin, such as dark leafy vegetables, fish, flax seeds, and walnuts. After you consult your doctor, you can also take omega-3 supplements in addition.
  • Licorice – Licorice has also shown some effects in lessening the effects of myopia. Take half a spoon of licorice and mash it up into two parts. Mix one of the parts in ghee and the other in honey. These mixtures should be consumed every day with milk.

How Can UbiBot Help?

The UbiBot Smart Plug is a Wi-Fi-enabled wireless controller that lets you schedule and remotely control everything. You can plug your TV into the SP1, and through the monitoring of the SP1, parents can find out how much time their children are spending watching TV. Consequently, the TV can be turned on or off via remote control. By doing this, parents can limit the screen time of their children, which, as we previously mentioned, is very important to reduce the appearance or severity of myopia.