APP Notification

The UbiBot Connect app keeps you informed by sending instant notifications whenever the temperature or humidity levels deviate from your preset ranges. Whether you're monitoring a greenhouse, a server room, or your home, the app ensures that you're always aware of critical changes in real-time, no matter where you are. This feature allows you to respond quickly to any potential issues, helping to protect your valuable assets and maintain optimal conditions at all times.


LINE Notify

With UbiBot, you can easily integrate LINE for free via the console platform. This feature allows you to bind your LINE account and select specific devices for alerts. Once configured, you can set LINE as your preferred method for receiving notifications, ensuring you receive timely alerts directly through the LINE app.

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Voice Call

With UbiBot, you can set up voice call alerts to receive notifications directly by phone. This service is priced as low as 0.03 credits per call. However, please be aware that high-frequency alerts to the same number within a short period may be blocked by some operators, with fees varying based on your operator's policies. Please click View Details to check the corresponding fees or download the full price list CSV fill here.
