AutoSync Google Sheets

Overview When you successfully bind your UbiBot account to Google account, your devices will automa……


January 9, 2024

HTTP Interaction

Overview HTTP interaction services, also known as UbiHTTP. It allows the communication between devi……


January 10, 2024

Channel Feeds Data Forwarding

Overview The Channel Feeds Data Forwarding service will forward a copy of the original feed data fr……


June 5, 2024

Import Feeds from CSV

Overview The Import Feeds call is used to import data to a channel from a CSV file. The imported CS……


June 5, 2024

Get Channel Feed Summaries

Overview The Get Channel Feed Summaries API is used to read feed summaries from all the sensor fiel……


June 5, 2024

View Channel

Overview The View Channel call is used to retrieve the metadata and last sensor data associated wit……


June 5, 2024

Get Channels

Overview The Get Channels call will return a JSON object listing the metadata and last sensor data ……


June 5, 2024