Upload Channel Icon (Base64)


The Upload Channel Icon call allows you to upload or replace the custom icon associated with the channel. There are two methods. The first method attaches the file with the icon to the API call. The second method triggers an HTTP request with a Base64 encoded image.

HTTP Method




Where CHANNEL_ID is the ID of the target channel.

URL Parameters

Name Type Required Description
account_key String Required Specify the account_key obtained from the web console panel.

HTTP Request Payload

Name Type Required Description
channel_icon String Required Base64 encoded image
name String Required Full name of the source file including the suffix. The image must be a JPG, GIF or PNG file with a maximum size of 1MB.


An HTTP code of 200 is responded for each successful data requests. Body contains a JSON object with the success message.

Error: See the separate list of error codes for more details