Use UbiBot with IFTTT platform

You can watch the tutorial video on YouTube :

  1. Sign up and sign in your IFTTT account.

  1. Click the “Create” on the upper right corner.

  1. Click “This” to add an trigger.

  1. Enter “ubibot” and choose the UbiBot service.

  1. Click “Connect”

  1. Enter your UbiBot account information to connect it with IFTTT platform.

  1. You can see all the triggers here and choose one.

  1. Choose a channel ID (Device) and click ”Create trigger”

  1. Click “That” to add an action.

  1. Here I choose “Email” as an example.

  1. Click “Connect”.

  1. Enter your Email address to connect it with IFTTT platform.

  1. Choose the email action

  1. You can edit the content of email here.

  1. Now, you have created an applet successfully.