There’s nothing quite like having a hot spa throughout the winter season, however, in order to have an effective spa, you need to ensure that it has the perfect temperature, and level of humidity in the air itself, and as such, tools need to be implemented in order to do this efficiently.
Ideally, you want a temperature and humidity monitor that has an alert system and an external temperature probe.

The UbiBot Line of Products
The first device you need to consider is the UbiBot WS1.
The UbiBot WS1 is an all-in-one IoT-based sensor for environmental data which is also compatible with IFTTT.
Let’s face it, there are plenty of environmental sensors out there, so now you may be asking yourself, what exactly makes the UbiBot line of devices special?
Well we’re glad you asked and we are here to assist you with everything that you need to know, so let us begin.
For one, the UbiBot WS1 has an industrial-grade sensor that works seamlessly in its mission to give you the most accurate sensing of environmental conditions. The optional external temperature probe also allows you to monitor liquids and other harsh environments.
When it comes to the probe in question, you have the DS18B20 Temperature Probe,which is made out of a stainless steel material that is suitable for extremely cold or extremely hot environments and works well with all of our IoT devices, and it is ready to use straight out of the box, which means that it requires very minimal setup processes.
The DS18B20 probe is a waterproof external temperature probe that is designed to operate in extreme conditions ranging from -55ºC to 125ºC and the Micro USB connector is fully compatible with just about all of the smart monitoring devices, even including the WS1 and WS1 Pro which was mentioned before.
The probe is made from some of the most high-quality stainless steel out there and it will not rust under any conditions. The different cable lengths are also designed to offer you the maximum flexibility possible, and the ready to use micro USB connector allows you to deploy this probe in literal seconds.
We also have a variation with a flat cable which can be put through the refrigerator door.
The UbiBot IoT Platform
Through the use of a smartphone, tablet, or computer, you can remotely monitor all of the data, including the temperature and humidity level that affect your hot tub, home, business, aquarium, or even garden. You can protect your property, and prevent mold growth or food spoilage as a result.
This is all done through the UbiBot IoT platform, which syncs everything across all of your devices.
How does the UbiBot Platform Work?
The platform works in a way in which it offers you a revolutionary way to monitor environmental conditions where they matter, including sensors that synchronize with the platform through the usage of WiFi, and you can access all of the data from just about anywhere through a smartphone or a web browser.
Some of the most popular UbiBot lines of devices that take advantage of the UbiBot IoT platform and have proven to be efficient are the UbiBot WS1, The Ubibot WS1 Pro, and the Ubibot GS1.
Each of them has its own pros and things that separate them to be slightly unique, however, all of them connect to the same platform and provide the same type of data.
Speaking of platform, the UbiBot IoT platform can connect through a variety of different services out there, including giving you notifications of temperature changes through email, SMS, calls, or even logging all of the data through Spreadsheets, and you can even engage different commands using smart hubs such as Google Home and even Amazon Alexa, which can streamline things quite a bit.
Aside from that, with UbiBot, you can set an alert by email which has a threshold of 200 free alert emails per device, per month.
This however stacks up, so if you have 10 devices, you will get 2000 free email notifications.
Another key part that truly makes the platform unique is the fact that it offers you advanced alert options, multiple channels, a virtual guardian, and constant online monitoring.
Before we get to data sharing, we first need to analyze how the data is stored.
You see, no internet connection is 100% secure, and no matter how secure your internet provider may lead you to believe that it is, there is always that 1% chance that the internet will fail at a moment, however, when that happens, the WS1 will store the data on its on-board storage, and re-sync it with all of your cloud-connected devices the moment the internet gets back online, allowing you not to miss out on any valuable monitoring data that has occurred throughout the moment the internet connection has failed.
With that out of the way, data sharing is also an option here, allowing you to share real-time observations, alerts, and manage the data all in one place. In other words, you can allow any other person you choose, to have access to all of these graphs and statistics, so if you are away on a trip, and want someone to monitor the hot spa temperature through the probe, you can leave it in safe hands.
With all of that said and done, the UbiBot line of devices is known for their IoT platform and connectivity, which allows all of these options and features to become a possibility, and streamline all of the processes that go into play when you want to measure the temperature and humidity on any given location.
They come at an affordable price range, and with the smart solutions that they provide, with IoT systems that have been developed for decades, you can rest assured knowing that even if things to bad, the data will always be there for you, safe, secure and always accessible no matter where you are, all from the convenience of your smartphone or laptop.