To grow plant plants in greenhouses, you need light. The amount of light a plant receives determines the length of time a plan remains active and its rate of growth. The most basic metabolic process of the plant is photosynthesis, and photosynthesis requires light energy.
Three Aspects of Light Effect
There are three aspects of light that should be considered when determining the effect that light has on plant growth. These three aspects are the length of the day, intensity, and quality. All of these aspects affect the development and growth of food crops; however, they affect it in different ways.
The length of the day, or the photoperiod, is important since the ratio of light to darkness controls processes like forming of growth and flowering in many plants.
Light quality describes the colors of light. The green light is the least effective. The green color of plans is due to the reflection of green light. Blue and red have the greatest impact on the growth of plants. Blue light helps with vegetative leaf growth. When the blue light is combined with the red light, it encourages flowering.
The total amount of light supplied to the plant is described by the term light intensity. Light intensity is used for photosynthesis.
In greenhouses that are commercial, there are several strategies put into place that help manage light levels seasonally and throughout the day. Sunlight conditions in greenhouses can vary rapidly, affecting illuminance, humidity, and temperature. To compensate, greenhouse heating, ventilation, irrigations, lighting equipment, and humidification need to be responsive to these fluctuations.
The reasons why greenhouses usually manipulate light levels are optimizing photosynthesis, minimizing crop stress, photoperiod control, irrigation and temperature management, and so on.
Some of the lighting technologies include fluorescent lamps, halogen incandescent bulbs, incandescent bulbs, high-intensity discharge lamps, compact fluorescent lamps, and diodes that emit light.

The Importance of Light in Plant Development
As we previously mentioned, the flowering and vegetative stages of growth are directly influenced by light. Light is important in plant development for several reasons.
Light directly influencers plant flowering and growth by feeding plants energy and inducing photosynthesis. To generate food, allow for healthy development, and induce the growing cycle, plants depend on light. Without light, no matter if it’s artificial or natural, most plants don’t have the ability to reproduce or grow. Without the energy absorbed from sunlight, there would be no photosynthesis and no oxygen to support life.
Lighting Control
Regardless of the control method of lighting, it is best to operate the light for an extended period. The reason for this is that the short cycling of these luminaires will reduce the ballast and lamp life greatly. It’s best to set up some conditions that prevent cycling when setting up programs based on accumulated and instantaneous light energy.
The need for turning the lights on and off must be sustained for the desired period. This will prevent the lights from cycling in partially cloudy weather. Another useful method to prevent light cycling is using light-based control and provide minimum on and off time override.
How Can UbiBot SP1 Help?
The Smart Plug SP1 can make appliances connect to the internet and become intelligent. The SP1 can connect to the UbiBot IoT platform. To achieve intelligence, the timing, working status, and linkage of other connected devices can be set on the platform.
During the winter, you can use the GS1 to monitor light levels. When the light falls below a certain amount, the SP1 automatically switches on the fill light in the greenhouse. The light hours for vegetables are guaranteed.
There are two external sensor interfaces on the Smart Plug SP1, DS19B20, and RS485 communication protocols. The functions of the product can be enriched by the great expansion. The personalized needs of users can be easily met by the self-monitoring linkage access device.
The plug is designed to fit many standards. Each of them is compliant with the country’s certification, which is trustworthy and security assured.
The European standard is applicable in Russia, Spain, Korea, and Germany. The French standard is applicable in France. The International standard is applicable in China, except in Taiwan and Hong Kong. The Australian standard is applicable in New Zealand and Australia. The American standard is applicable in the USA, Columbia, the Philippines, Brazil, China, Taiwan, Mexico, and Canada. The Japanese standard is applicable in Japan. Lastly, the British standard is applicable in Britain, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, The United Arab Emirates, India, and the Maldives.
The Smart Plug Sp1 has a child protection design, which prevents children from accidentally inserting any metal objects in it, for instance, keys or forks. The smart plug is also made out of 750 ℃ high-temperature flame-resistant material.
The SP1 can be connected directly to the internet through a mobile network or Wi-Fi.